Pizza sMizza

This finicky freelance pizza/food critique reviews every slice of pizza pie sampled from every pizza parlor, independent or franchise, found while measuring the street of M-town in the western part of Illinois. As of Dec '06, she does Columbus, Ohio. She is contemplating to partner with her best friend, Jack, to open a franchise one day, somewhere. While she is more interested in owning a healthier fast food franchise, she agrees with him that this $34billion industry sh*t is pretty lucrative.

24 October 2006

Back to work!

AAAARRGGHH! It's frustrating being disconnected from the Internet for almost 30 days. It's not that I'm such a Net junkie but not being able to post entries to my much beloved weblogs, check and send emails, and browse pages and pages of weird stuff on the Internet IS TORTURE! Well, a couple of days offline is still bearable, one week tops. Beyond that definitely makes my brain shows some signs of hemorrhaging.

Anyway, along with going ballistic and having a series of emotional flip-flop for being disconnected, I'm now back online... and it's going to be as long as I want. Yup, I'm on cable now, the first to have in my apartment complex. How's having 4Mb of speed all to yourself because everybody else is hooking up that lame DSL? Pretty sweet, indeed. Even the cats, the love/hate duo Cutey and Cloudy, can't help but to jump in glee to see me chasing them around the apartment.

OK, as promised, I'm going 'back to work', that is to sample pizzas M-town has to offer. Based on the quality of my 'download' this morning, I think my stomach and intestinal parts are ready for the challenge, again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do hope the duo of Cloudy and Cutey do not kill each other!! Hey, anymore interesting pizza critiques to post, by chance? I am happy you have returned to the internet and will post more interesting comments about the pizza you have tasted!! I love your critiques!!

7:30 PM  
Blogger Pizza sMizza said...

Hey, thanks! And you can bet that I'm coming back to sample MORE pizzas!

8:01 PM  

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